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In Our Church
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Kids & Youth
At New Song, we want our kids and youth to understand and experience the love of Jesus at their level.
Kingdom Kidz
We are dedicated to seeing that each child is welcomed into a safe environment and known by a trustworthy leader that helps them understand and experience the love of Jesus.
Nursery, Preschool, 5's & K's, and Elementary kids gather on Sunday mornings during the regular service time at 10:00am.
Nursery, Preschool, 5's & K's, and Elementary kids gather on Sunday mornings during the regular service time at 10:00am.

New Song Youth
New Song Youth is for students in grades 6th-12th and is all about “Loving God and Loving People.” Weekly services are held Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the "Light Club" off of the Gathering Place at New Song , as well as, Sunday mornings during the 10am service. We also frequently provide chances for youth to connect with each other and with the leaders outside of Wednesday evenings.
Weekend Service
Our Weekend Service Ministry is made up of all the pieces that put on our services. This ministry’s mission is to make people feel welcome, safe, and served while attending New Song Church. This is a great ministry to get involved with as a first area of serving and have a heart of hospitality.

Even More Ways to Get Involved...

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In Our Community
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Community Impact Ministry
We are on a mission to serve the practical needs of our community through community meals, events, and working with other groups to serve the marginalized members of our community. We work to be the hands and feet of Jesus in making our community a better place to live.

Share the Love
Share the Love was created as a ministry to help others in need. If you have a heart for helping others in need, the Share the Love team is looking for others to help meet the needs in our community members.
Club Radio
The mission of Club Radio is to impact the Bismarck/Mandan community by connecting listeners to community-focused events and uplifting, encouraging music. Click the circle icon to listen live!

Events & Outreach Team
Our team is responsible for planning and executing events that reach beyond our church walls and into our community.

United Chapel - Kids
Our mission field at the United Tribes Technical College exists to bring hope and healing to the Native American children through the love of Jesus Christ.
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In Our World
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Not only are we called to be praying for Israel, but we should each make an investment to visit the Holy Land once in our lifetime.
Call our office to receive more info about our next group trip to Israel!