It's really about the people...
As a church, people are the focus of everything we do. We don't view things through the lens of a donor base, giving units or pet projects for those with money. We want everyone who comes to feel welcome, whether or not you give financially.
Financial Giving is first and foremost about worship...
Some people give out of duty, others give as an investment to get something back, but neither is the biblical mandate for giving. Giving is an act of worship between you and God and therefore should not be done out of compulsion or guilt (Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 9:6-8).
We prefer to see it as what we give out, not what we bring in...
Those who generously contribute to New Song know that it is to benefit the people who walk in the doors and the community where we live. Plus we believe in supporting church plants nationally and around the world.